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In addition to a few things outlined on the Clan Rules page, this is generally how the war plan will work for both regular wars and for CWL:

 1) Often a clan mail will be sent to your inbox outlining the plan. Follow that plan. Not seeing the clan mail is not a reason to not follow the plan.

2) In general, we are trying to 3 star as many bases as possible.

3) For regular wars, first attacks will sometimes be labeled by a leader or co-leader. After your first hit, you can then feel free to “steal” a base tagged for someone else with your second attack. Feel free to ignore it if other people tag a base for themselves. If you snooze, you lose.

4) If someone "steals" your first base, then hit up or down from that base up to 2 places.

5) If you do not 3 star with your first attack, then your second attack should be lower.

6) Always feel free to ask the leader or co-leader who you should hit.

War: About
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