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Following these rules is the minimum required to stay in the clan. Generally everyone gets one pass, but depending on the situation, you might be out for breaking a rule even once.

You should also check out the Clan Capital page for more rules about that.

1) Be respectful of your fellow clanmates. Offensive language toward another person will not be tolerated. This includes individuals or groups of people outside of the clan.

2) If you can’t get in both of your war attacks, then go red by clicking “I’m Out” for clan wars in you profile.

3) If you are in war, use both attacks. This is true even if you are really low and can’t bring us any new stars. At least you can get yourself some loot and some practice.

4) Always take a full army to war attacks. This means wait for your CC to be filled (ideally wait for max troops). Opt out of war if your spell factory is down too.

5) Always follow war plan. Following the war plan is especially important for CWL. (See War Plan page.)

6) Follow any explicit directions from leader and co-leaders.

Feel free to also check out the Advice page for advice on how to get better (and improve your chances of getting promoted to elder and beyond).

Rules: About
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