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These guidelines are general tips and advice on playing the game better. There are definitely occasional exceptions to each of these guidelines and that is why they are not rules, just advice.

Promotion will be at the discretion of the leader and co-leaders, and things such as how long you've been in the clan and if you play clan games will play a factor. But if you perform at a high level over time, then you are more likely to get promoted.

No matter what, it will take you more than a month to get promoted to elder, and asking for a promotion will only make you less likely to get promoted.


1) The best way to get better is to practice a lot. Play every day, and you will improve.

2) The second best way to get better is to watch videos. This page has a lot links to videos which can help.


1) Set a funnel for your attacks. Don't just drop all of your troops in one place.

2) Take a poison spell for enemy CC.

3) Take a good bit of some troop that can shoot over walls or shoot flying defensive CC. Don't take all pekkas, all valks, or all hogs, throw in a few wizards.

4) Count the exact number of lightning spells you need for your attack. If it only takes 3 lightning to destroy an air defense, don’t take 4 lightning to weaken the next one.

5) Do an all air or all ground attack. Sometimes you can use a troop or two to help funnel, or kill the CC but generally go all air or all ground.

6) Take either all air or all ground troops in your CC - matching your attack. Same with siege machines.

7) For air attacks, it is generally best to enter the base behind where the sweeper is pointed.

8) Try to drop your lightnings slightly off the edges of the defense you are targeting so that you destroy an extra building or two in the collateral damage.

9) Come into the side of the base that is the strongest. For example if you lightning-ed out three of the air defenses, start your attack near the air defense you left standing.

10) Play your Grand Warden with the bulk of your main army. Not by himself.

11) Pay attention to builder huts in corners. Take those out early to avoid time fails, or save a clean up troop, like an archer for each one at the end.



1) Don't leave important defenses sitting outside of walls or even on the first layer within walls. This includes air defenses, x-bows, inferno towers, eagle artillery, scatter shots, and even sweepers.

2) Ideally set a separate defense for war and one for your regular base.

3) For regular war, unless you are in the top 4 bases, your war base should be an anti-three star base, meaning it is okay to give up the two star. In other words, your TH does not need to be super well protected. It is more important to have your strong defenses and most importantly your CC in the center of your base rather than your TH. CWL War base can protect the TH, that is fine, but CC should still be pretty centrally located.

4) Try to avoid defenses that have big open boxes. Lots of little boxes or even better long boxes are the way to go.

5) Don't put air defenses right next to each other so they can both get taken out by the same lightning. Same thing with a sweeper and an air defense.


1) Save your gems to get as many builders as possible.

2) Focus on offense before defense when you upgrade your TH. The most important things are your heroes, your CC, your army camps, your spell factory, and your troops (in laboratory). You should definitely upgrade your CC and your laboratory on day one of getting to a new TH. Getting the new heroes and getting them to level 5 is the second priority at TH 7 (King), 9 (Queen), 11 (Warden), and 13 (Champion).

3) Waiting to upgrade your TH until everything is maxxed is ideal. Having heroes at maxxed is what is most important.

4) I spend pretty much all of my gems and my CWL medals on books of heroes and hammers of heroes.

5) Ideally you will go red to opt out of clan wars while your heroes are upgrading.


There is more specific upgrade advice on this page too!

Advice: About
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